Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Mommazilla wakes

Friend Elizabeth from NYC mailed me a preggo care package with two great long tanks from Old Navy maternity and two Belly Bands – neither of which exist here in Argentina. Just in time as last week the bump poofed out to noticeable form. I can now rest my hands comfortably on the top of my belly like an armrest. We went to the monthly doctors visit yesterday and heard the baby’s heartbeat for the first time. Very exciting. One of us shed a few tears of joy…

Hugh’s new nickname for me is “Mommazilla” as in the neurotic control-freak Bridezillas on TV. Maybe I have been a bit consumed with the coming birth but its going to take real effort and planning to have the baby naturally and possibly at home. Sadly Argentine hospitals boast 50% cesarean rates. Epidurals, episiotomies, vacuum, forceps and being strapped to a fetal monitor giving birth horizontal is the norm. There are no birthing centers here so its either a hospital or at home. When I mentioned my desire for a natural birth to my very conservative geezer doctor, he scoffed, shook his head and said “what a WILD idea”. He admitted that the field of obstetrics had gotten out of hand and moved away from the natural course of labor and birth but nearly pounded his fist on the table that “the risks are too great to give birth outside of a hospital with immediate access to blood and surgeons!” He asked me how I would handle labor without an epidural (with a haughty patronizing tone I might add) and I reminded him that I’m a trained prenatal yoga teacher. Yes, I can use various breathing techniques, postures and meditation. He rolled his eyes and waved his hand “you, with your yoga are in the clouds. I am down here on earth dealing with the realities of the situation”. Then he turned to Hugh (who by this time was well indoctrinated and terrified) and bellowed “you could lose her and the baby!!!!!!!” So, the appointment started on a high and ended with a thud of pessimism and confirmation of nonsupport. Mommazilla continues her search for a supportive OB and other options.


genetizen said...

Hi Amber,

First, you look great!

Second, don't listen to Hugh or your Doctor. Well, try not to, anyway. As you know, Megan gave birth to two healthy, normal kids without any drugs using breathing techniques and having gone through a battery of prenatal yoga. While you can't predict how things would go, which is why you want to be in a hospital, no one should force you to take drugs if you don't need/want them.

Third, have you thought about a doula? Here's a good link: http://www.dona.org/. I just looked in their database and here's the name of a doula in Buenos Aires:

Melina Paula Bronfman
(005411) 4772 1609

All our best to you and Hugh!


Agnes said...

Hello! I am also a pregnant foreigner trying to find my through the medical stystem here to a more natural birth. I'm at 29 week and getting desperate. I got the same reaction from my doctor s you described. I'm considering homebirthing (because like yousaid, it's either hospital or home) and I was wondering what you were planinng and how everyhting is going? Thanks