Wednesday, August 1, 2007


Friends Brad and Laura came over for dinner sat nite and brought necessary supplies for cupcake baking. so fun! Brad is an excellent baker - we've already sampled his chocolate chip cookies so i knew cupcakes would be a treat as well. I've met more than a few expats with the idea of bringing NYC's Magnolia bakery type cupcakes to BA. They don't exist here - like cookies and coffee to go. Argentines love their sweets so can imagine they'd be a hit - but how to make a profit on something that sells for less than a US dollar....hmmm And speaking of the money - inflation is getting worse and worse. No one knows the true stats (as the govt releases fake #s) but most analysts peg it at about 20%. yes, things are getting interesting. my friend Laura's company is getting ready to lay people off because their expenses are cutting into profits too much. a friend from my running group who works for a call center said this week that they've started laying people off at her company too. she had this look on her face that read "here we go again". my grocery bill is noticeably higher every week for the same things. where this goes....? am glad we have our pennies in the good ole USA for now.

1 comment:

NonstopExpress said...

I believe August 7th is a special day, is it not?

Woohoo, etc.