I just love this photo.
because it juxtaposes so perfectly the yin/yang that is infancy and adulthood. Maxima is newly born (6 months) and so fresh, so alive, happy and frankly ecstatic to be here on Earth - to be a part of our family and of the world. By the time she reaches her father's age (nearly 45, gulp) she'll likely be cynical, tired, weighed down by stresses and emotional baggage etc etc. When exactly does that happen? When does that smile turn to a frown?
I guess that's why we 'older' parents so adore our children. it's an escape from the mundane, the drama and firth of our daily lives. we get a peek of ecstacy and pure joy. it takes me hours of yoga practice to encounter pure joy. hours....about 6 or 7 years ago I left a yoga class in such a state of happiness I literally cried in the car the whole way home. that is/was the only time I've experienced that sensation and have been searching for it ever since. Maxima and Valentina feel that every day. That is why we become parents, why we love it - to witness that sensation of pleasure, of joy, of love, of happiness and if we're lucky to become it.
what else is there?
i love your photo and posting!
haha! I clicked "next blog" and was brought to yours. What a FABULOUS photo - and wise words to go with it!
You have some interesting thoughts! Perhaps we should contemplate about attempting this myself.
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Hi Ambi how are you?
My name is Gilda, and I work with several hostels in Argentina, Chile, Brasil, Perú, Uruguay y Bolivia. We are looking to exchange links with interesting regional blogs, and we find yours, and we really liked it. Would you like to exchange links with us?
We could put your link in the following blogs:
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Title: Hostel Santiago
URL: http://www.hostalprovidencia.com
Description: Hostal Providencia in Santiago de Chile is located in Av. Vicuña Mackenna 92, Santiago de Chile.
Title: Hostel Buenos Aires
URL: http://www.chelagarto.com/index.php/en/hostel-in-buenos-aires.html
Description: Che Lagarto Hostel in Buenos Aires is located in Venezuela 857, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Title: Hostel Montevideo
URL: http://www.chelagarto.com/index.php/en/hostel-in-montevideo.html
Description: Che Lagarto Hostel in Montevideo is located in Plaza Independencia 713, Montevideo, Uruguay.
Title: Hostel Cusco
URL: http://www.chelagarto.com/index.php/en/hostel-in-cusco.html
Description: Che Lagarto Hostel in Cusco is located in Siete Cuartones 284, Cusco, Peru.
Title: Hostel Mar del Plata
URL: http://www.chelagarto.com/index.php/en/hostels-in-mar-del-plata.html
Description: Che Lagarto Hostel in Mar del Plata is located in Alberti 1565, Mar del Plata, Argentina.
Title: Hostel Iguazu
URL: http://www.chelagarto.com/index.php/en/hostel-in-iguazu-falls.html
Description: Che Lagarto Hostel in Iguazu is located in Av. Brasil 24, Puerto Iguazu, Argentina.
If it’s ok for you, please send me an email telling me how you’d like your link, and I’ll add it. Thanks!
Best wishes,
The baby looks happier than the other guy.
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