Monday, June 8, 2009


Friday my mom arrived with best friend Bari in tow. The last time Abuela Lori was here, Valentina was a mere 3 days old. Bari attended Rachel's wedding exactly one year ago. Both have been enjoying getting to know Valentina the 7 month old. Valentina still likes her momma best but seems to know that Grandma Lori is someone special. They are forming a nice bond and only a grandma would delight in watching her expressions change as much as I do. Well, until today when Valen's other grandma - Theresa arrived from San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. Now both grandma's will pour love and attention on their first and only grandchild. Tomorrow we all head out to La Candelaria - our favorite estancia and site of Rachel and Rey's 2008 nuptials. We haven't been back since the wedding and I can't wait to gallop across the polo fields, eat hearty stews and asado and sit by the fire playing Blokus with the crew. Yes, that's Valentina looking sanguine holding her new favorite toy - an empty tissue box.


Unknown said...

Hey, I'm so happy to be here with that adorable child.

Dulce de Wendy said...

Valentina is so yummy!